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We are currently working towards the CAFOD Live Simply Award.

What have we done so far?


Action: We are developing a relationship with our local Care Home. Over Christmas, the children will sing carols to the residents. Year 6 children are going to write to residents through their History learning. We will further develop these links through our curriculum. There is a range of events planned throughout the year for the children to work with the residents of the care home.

Faith Input: Catholic Social Teaching: solidarity, dignity of the human person.

Education Input: PSHE learning - linking to 'Being Me in My World' module on our responsibilities within in our world and our communities.

Year 3 and 4 went down to the local Care Home to sing Christmas Carols. Lots of residents joined us in the gardens or from their windows. We have more events booked in throughout the year. 


Action: Eco Warriors to raise the profile of Veganuary - encouraging others to have more plant-based diets for the month of January to share the message of Ladauto Si and caring for our Common Home.

Faith Input: Ladauto Si

Education Input: Eco Warriors and teachers to teach children about living sustainably and more environmentally friendly to care for our planet.

Our Eco Warriors challenged children to eat a more plant-based diet both at home and in school.

Eco Warriors were pleased to see children joining in and trying new things. They shared some recipes and plant-based snack ideas in the newsletter each week in January.


Action: Eco Warriors are going to lead the Great British Bird Watch in January 2024. They will write to local community and Parish to invite them to join in and share their experiences. Following on from this, everyone will be invited to make bird boxes and feeders.

Faith Input: Psalm 50:10-11
“For every beast of the forest is Mine,
The cattle on a thousand hills.
“I know every bird of the mountains,
And everything that moves in the field is Mine.
Ladauto Si
Catholic Social Teaching- Stewardship, the common good

Education Input: Launch Assembly and lessons in class on the importance of the RSPB.

Every class went out onto the playground to look for birds. We gathered our results and sent them off to the RSPB.

Eco Warriors wrote to the Frome Times newspaper to invite members of the public to join us and send their results in. We were very pleased to get a card from a local resident who joined in with them in the the BirdWatch! 


Action: Fundraising with Emmaus partnership for WaterAid. Throughout the year, Chaplaincy team and Eco Warriors will run a number of fundraising events for the Emmaus Water Aid Project. Children came to school dressed in blue for a small donation, and all children brought in spare change, which we filled up a toilet with. 

Faith Input: The whole school took part in a Lenten Reconciliation Mass based on water, lead by Father Richard.

 Laudato Si'
Catholic Social Teaching: stewardship, solidarity, option for the poor & vulnerable

Education Input: Teachers to speak with children about Water Aid and the work that they do. Children will focus on how we can look after the water supplies that we are fortunate enough to have. Children created water based artwork, poems and prayers.


Action: Classes, staff, and governors will write a LiveSimply pledge
which will be displayed in school. We will also individually keep a note of our pledges so we can refer to them regularly reminding us to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities as we are all part of God’s family.
Children can talk about their pledges in Celebration of the Word

Faith Input: LiveSimply is based on the teachings of Jesus and Catholic Social Teaching.

Education Input: LiveSimply will be introduced in all classes through the CAFOD Animations and pledges will be written in our focus 'Live Simply' week. The children will have opportunities to discuss what can go on their pledges to ensure we live simply, sustainably and in solidarity.



We will take part in the CAFOD Big Lent walk as a whole school, encouraging families to join in and fundraise as a school. We will donate the money to CAFOD to support people in need and those living in poverty.

Faith Input: Catholic Social Teaching: solidarity, the common good.

Education Input: We will lead an assembly explaining why we are raising money and how our money helps the most in need.

Each class went on a walk in the local area in Community Week. We ended the week with a whole school walk to Church for a celebration of the Stations of the Cross lead by Deacon David. 



Children will take part in, and encourage the local community and their families (by writing to them) to join in 'Earth Hour' on Monday 25th March @ 8:30pm - 9:30pm in which no electricity is used. Families and the local community will be asked to share photos and experiences with the children afterwards. In school, we will hold our own 'Earth Hour' where the children's lessons will happen with no electricity. The date and time of this is TBC.

Faith Input: Ladauto Si

Education input:

In lessons, children will write letters to the local community inviting them to join in. Throughout the following week, experiences and photos will be shared with all.

In the end, this action was completed via the School Council writing to families via the newsletter to encourage families to take part in Earth Hour at home, following the National Earth Day online assembly on Monday 22nd April. We asked families to send in their photos of Earth Hour. 


Action: Living Simply

Chaplaincy Team are fundraising to 'Twin our Toilet' with a toilet in another country (they will choose). Once we have our twinned toilet, classes will run research project to find a school nearby and get into contact with them, sharing prayers and experiences with them.

Faith Input: John 13:34 "Love one another as I have loved you" Chaplaincy Team will lead reflections in each class to explain the way in which we should live as Christians and how this should impact our lives and the lives of those around us.

Education input: Class research projects on the area in which the Twinned Toilet is purchased, each class to write letters to schools local to the area. 7

Following our work with Wessex Water, all children learned about the Twin a Toilet charity. We created Fundraising Page for this, which has been shared in the school newsletter, Facebook page and local paper. We are half way to our fundraising target (as of May 2024). Once we have raised enough to purchase the twinned toilet, children will write to the school in the area in which we have purchased a toilet.
